Saturday, September 24, 2011

Burned Biscuits

When I was a kid,
my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner
every now and then.

And I remember one night
in particular when she had made breakfast
after a long,
hard day at work.

On that evening so long ago,
my mom placed a plate of eggs,
and extremely burned biscuits
in front of my dad.

I remember waiting to see
if anyone noticed!

Yet all my dad did was reach for his Biscuit,
smile at my mom
and ask me how my day was at school.

I don't remember what I told him that night,
but I do remember
hearing my mom apologize to my dad
for burning the biscuits.

And I'll never forget what he said:
"Honey, I love burned biscuits."

Later that night,
I went to kiss Daddy good night
and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned.

He wrapped me in his arms and said,
"Your momma put in a long hard day at work today
and she's real tired.
And besides... a burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"

You know, life is full of imperfect things...
and imperfect people.

I'm not the best at hardly anything,
and I forget birthdays and anniversaries
just like everyone else.

What I've learned over the years
is that learning to accept each others faults
and choosing to celebrate each others differences,
is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy,
and lasting relationship.

So...please pass me a biscuit.
And yes, the burned one will do just fine!

p/s : Berlapang dadalah sentiasa dengan apa jua keadaan dan atas kelemahan org lain.

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